Saturday, 29 December 2012


Some time after I wrote the doc the Unicode bug struck. I got working on
UTF8 encoding, and decided to write a tool that would randomly encode each
character in a GET request. I proved to be VERY effective against IDS-es.
Here is an extract from the pudding docs:
I always wanted a tool that will save me the time to recode a HTTP exploit or
scanner to use a certain IDS evasion method. Its fine to see that whisker's IDS
evasion method 1 (hex encoding) works to bypass a certain IDS, but now you
still have to recode your exploit's HTTP request in hex.
I wanted a type of proxy that will encode the HTTP request for ANY scanner or
exploit. Pudding is such a tool. It supports most of RFP's IDS evasion encoding
methods, and I have added random UTF-8 encoding support.
Practically it works like this:
[exploit]--not encoded-->[(nc)-proxy]--encoded-->IDS -->[target]
Parameters for the proxy is as follows:
./pudding listenport:targetIP:targetport:mode
After execution, pudding will use netcat (nc) to listen on port <listenport>.
When a connection is made it will execute the PERL script According
to the <mode> parameter, will encode the request and send it to
<targetIP> on <targetport>. The reply will be sent via the PERL script back to
netcat and thus back to the exploit or scanner.
Encoding methods that pudding do:
mode 0 clear (no encoding) for testing
mode 1 all UPPERCASE
mode 2 hex encoding
mode 3 /./ directory insertion
mode 4 fake parameter
mode 5 premature URL ending
mode 6 windows delimeter
mode 7 random UTF8 encoding
(see RFP's documentation on whisker's IDS evasion methods - I butchered it from
there anyway)
Multiple connections
As browsers and scanners (and some exploits) use multiple connections, pudding
needs to fork for each request. PERL is not as fast as C, and therefor you will
need to start a few instances of pudding for programs that needs multiple
connections (think of Apache and Squid that fire up a few children to handle
the load - same thing here).
Let us look at an example:
(lets use RFP's popular RDS exploit with random UTF-8 encoding)
# ./pudding &
[1] 23689
# ./pudding &
[2] 23697
# ./pudding &
[3] 23705
# perl -h
-- RDS smack v2 - rain forest puppy / ADM / wiretrip --
Type the command line you want to run (cmd /c assumed):
cmd /c echo
Step 1: Trying raw driver to btcustmr.mdb
winnt -> c: d: e: f: g: h:
winnt35 -> c: d: e: f: g: h:
winnt351 -> c: d: e: f: g: h:
win -> c: d: e: f: g: h:
windows -> c: d: e: f: g: h:
Step 2: Trying to make our own DSN...
Making DSN: c: <<fail>>
Step 3: Trying known DSNs.....AdvWorks: Success!

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