Saturday, 9 March 2013


The If statement is a very useful command which allows us to make the
batch files more intelligent and useful. Using this command one can make
the batch programs check the parameters and accordingly perform a
task. Not only can the IF command check parameters, it can also checks
if a particular file exists or not. On top of all this, it can also be used
for the conventional checking of variables (strings).
Checking If a File Exists Or Not
The general syntax of the IF command which checks for the existence
of a file is the following:
This will become clearer when we take up the following example,
IF EXIST c:\autoexec.bat ECHO It exists

This command checks to see if the file, c:\autoexec.bat exists or not.
If it does then it echoes or prints the string 'It exists'. On the other
hand if the specified file does not exist, then it does not do anything.
In the above example, if the file autoexec.bat did not exist, then
nothing was executed. We can also put in the else clause i.e. If the File
exists, do this but if it does not exists, by using the GOTO command.
Let's consider the following example to make it more clear:
@echo off
Goto end
The IF statement in this code snippet checks to see if there exists a
file, c:\anil.doc. If it does then DOS is branched to :ANIL and if it
does not, then DOS goes on to the next line. The next line branches
DOS to :end. The :end and :ANIL in the above example are called
labels. After the branching the respective echo statements take over.

SHIFT: Infinite Parameters

Sometimes your batch file program may need to use more than nine
parameters at a
time.(Actually you would never need to, but at least you are sure you
can handle
it if you need to.)To see how the SHIFT command works, look at the
snippet of code:
ECHO The first Parameter is %1
ECHO The Second Parameter is %1
ECHO The Second Parameter is %1
Now execute this batch file from DOS and see what happens.
C:\windows>batch_file_name abc def ghi 

The first Parameter is abc
The Second Parameter is def
The Second Parameter is ghi
How does it work? Well, each SHIFT command shuffles the parameters
down one position. This means that after the first SHIFT %1 becomes def, %2
becomes ghi
and abc is completely removed by DOS. All parameters change and move
one position
Both normal parameters (%1 , % 2 etc) and the SHIFT command can be
made more
efficient by grouping them with the IF conditional statement to check
parameters passed by the User.
The syntax of the FOR LOOP is:
FOR %%PARAMETER IN(set) DO command
Most people change their mind about learning Batch Programming when
they come
across the syntax of the For Command. I do agree that it does seem a
bit weird,
but it is not as difficult as it appears to be. Let's analyze the various
of the For command. Before we do that look at the following example,
FOR %%A IN (abc, def, xyz) DO ECHO %%A
Basically a FOR LOOP declares a variable (%%A) and assigns it different
as it goes through the predefined set of values(abc, def, xyz) and each
the variable is assigned a new value, the FOR loop performs a
command.(ECHO %%A)

The %%A is the variable which is assigned different values as the loop
through the predefined set of values in the brackets. You can use any
letter character after the two % sign except 0 through 9.We use two
%'s as DOS
deletes each occurrence of a single % sign in a batch file program.
The IN(abc, def, xyz) is the list through which the FOR loop goes. The
%%a is assigned the various values within the brackets, as the loop
moves. The
items in the set(The technical term for the set of values within the
can be separated with commas, colons or simply spaces.
For each item in the set(The IN Thing) the FOR loop performs whatever
command is
given after the DO keyword.(In this example the loop will ECHO %%A)
So basically when we execute the above batch file, the output will be:
The FOR loop becomes very powerful if used along with replaceable
parameters. Take
the following batch file, for example,
ECHO I am going to delete the following files:
ECHO %1 %2
ECHO Press Ctrl+C to Abort process
FOR %%a IN (%1 %2 ) DO DEL %%a
ECHO Killed Files. Mission Accomplished.
At execution time, the process would be something like:
C:\WINDOWS>batchfilename *.tmp *.bak
I am going to delete the following files:
*.tmp *.bak
Press Ctrl+C to Abort process
Press any key to continue . . .
Killed Files. Mission Accomplished.


Say you want to execute a batch file and once the
procedure of
execution is complete, want to leave DOS and return to Windows, what
do you do? The EXIT command can be used in such situations. So simply end your
batch file
with the EXIT. 

Sunday, 3 March 2013

Parameters: Giving Information to Batch Programs

To make batch programs really intelligent you need to be able to provide
with parameters which are nothing but additional valuable information
which is
needed to ensure that the bath program can work efficiently and
To understand how parameters work, look at the following script:
ECHO First Parameter is %1
ECHO Second Parameter is %2
ECHO Third Parameter is %3
The script seems to be echoing(printing) messages on the screen, but
what do the
strange symbols %1 , % 2 etc stand for? To find out what the strange
symbols stand for save the above script and go to DOS and execute this script
by passing
the below parameters:
C:\windows>batch_file_name abc def ghi
This batch file produces the following result:
C:\windows>batch_file_name abc def ghi
First Parameter is abc
Second Parameter is def
Third Parameter is ghi
The first line in the output is produced by the code line:
ECHO First Parameter is %1
Basically what happens is that when DOS encounters the %1 symbol, it
the original command used to execute the bath program and look for the
word (argument) after the batch filename and then assigns %1 the value
of that
word. So one can say that in the ECHO statement %1 is replaced with
the value of
the first argument. In the above example the first word after the
batch file name
is abc, therefore %1 is assigned the value of this word.
The %2 symbol too works in the similar way, the only difference being
instead of the first argument, DOS assigns it the value of the second
def. Now all these symbols, %1, %2 are called replaceable parameters.
what happens is that %1 is not assigned the value of the first argument,
in fact it is replaced by the value of the first argument.

If the batch file command has more parameters than what the batch
file is
looking for, then the extras are ignored. For example, if while executing
a batch
file program , we pass four arguments, but the batch file program
requires only
3 parameters, then the fourth parameter is ignored.
To understand the practical usage of parameters, let's take up a real
example. Now the following script requires the user to enter the name
of the
files to be deleted and the folder in which they are located.
CD %1
DEL %2
This script can be called from the DOS prompt in the following way:
C:\windows>batch_file_name windows\temp *.tmp
In a single script we cannot use more that nine replaceable parameters.
means that a particular batch file will have replaceable parameters from
%1 to
%9.Infact there is a tenth replaceable parameter, the %0 parameter.
The %0
parameter contains the name of the batch file itself.


Say you have saved a batch file in the c:\name
directory. Now when
you launch the default directory is c:\windows and in
order to
execute the batch file program stored in the c:\name directory you
need to
change the directory and go to c:\name.This can be very irritating and
consuming. It is a good practice to store all your batch programs in the
same folder. You can run a batch file stored in any folder(Say c:\name) from
anywhere(even c:\windows\history) if you include the folder in which the
file is stored (c:\name)in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file, so that DOS knows
which folder
to look for the batch program.
So simply open c:\autoexec.bat in Notepad and append the Path
statement to the
following line[c:\name is the folder in which all your batch files are
Autoexec.bat runs each time at startup and DOS knows each time, in
directory to look for the batch files.

Saturday, 2 March 2013


This Batch File deletes all unwanted Temporary files from your system
Now we go to the Windows\temp directory.
Invalid directory
Deleting unwanted temporary files...
File not found
Your System is Now Clean
Hey pretty good! But it still shows the initial ECHO OFF command. You
can prevent a particular command from being shown but still be
executed by preceding the command with a @ sign. So to hide even the
ECHO OFF command, simple replace the
first line of the batch file with @ECHO OFF
You might think that to display a blank line in the output screen you can
simply type ECHO by itself, but that doesn't work. The ECHO command
return whether the ECHO is ON or OFF. Say you have started your
batch file with the command ECHO OFF and then in the later line give
the command ECHO, then it will display ' ECHO is off ' on the screen.
You can display a blank line by giving the command ECHO.(ECHO followed
by a dot)Simply leaving a blank line in the code too displays a blank line
in the output.
You can turn ON the ECHO anytime by simply giving the command ECHO
ON. After turning the echo on , if you give the command ECHO then it
will return ' ECHO is on '
The PAUSE Command: Freezing Time
Say you create a batch file which shows the Directory Listing of a
particular folder(DIR) before performing some other task. Or
sometimes before deleting all files of a folder, you need to give the
user time to react and change his mind. PAUSE, the name says it all, it
is used to time out actions of a script.
Consider the following scenario:
REM This Batch program deletes *.doc files in the current folder.
REM But it gives the user to react and abort this process.
ECHO WARNING: Going to delete all Microsoft Word Document
ECHO Press CTRL+C to abort or simply press a key to continue.
DEL *.doc
Now when you execute this batch program, we get the following output:
WARNING: Going to delete all Microsoft Word Document
Press CTRL+C to abort or simply press a key to continue.
Press any key to continue . . .
The batch file program actually asks the user if he wishes to continue
and gives the user the option to abort the process. Pressing CTRL+C
cancels the batch file program(CTRL+C and CTRL+Break bring about the
same results)
Terminate batch job (Y/N)?y
After this you will get the DOS prompt back.